Season 10 of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team is back on CMT. Hundreds have competed for a slot at the training camp. It’s now down to 59 candidates but there are only 45 spaces available. Former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders team member Melissa Rycroft is at the camp to help with the task of judging and mentoring the new recruits.
After dancing with the team from 2006-2008, Rycroft appeared on two reality TV shows. In 2009, she was proposed to by The Bachelor Jason Mesnick (who quickly changed his mind and then proposed to runner-up Molly Malaney). In 2012, she won Season 15 of Dancing with the Stars with pro dancer Tony Dovolani. Rycroft is catching some shade from hardcore DCC fans on Facebook. Karin Arey thinks Melissa is just using the DCC show “as a stepping stone for some made up celebrity status.” Chelsea Snyder agrees. “They act like Melissa is the all-time best DCC. She was barely on the team.” Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders airs Thursdays at 11pm on CMT.