You may recall that recently we reported on how Scrabble has updated its dictionary with lots of new slang words. Well, not to be outdone in the Dictionary Wars — a conflict that you might think is really an assault on English, I mean, come on, cazh? dench? grr? — the Merriam-Webster lexicographers have decided that more is better and has added lotsa new words to their dictionary.
The new edition of Merriam Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary will include 1700 new words, and you might be asking yourself “WTF?” when you hear about them. Jeggings. Macaron (not to be confused with macaroon). Meme. And NSFW, an acronym you can pretend you don’t know the meaning of, even though we all know you’ve clicked on many a link marked with it. Then again, clickbait is also on the list.