Blue Bloods has a deadly bloodline. Co-creator Mitchell Burgess became a made man, writer-wise, on murder-rich, incomparable The Sopranos. His Blue Bloods partner in crime (and fighting it) is Robin Green, a Sopranos veteran too. The enormously talented duo also happen to be married, but their connubial bliss doesn’t mean they’re not killers. Neither Burgess, nor Green is afraid to pull the trigger–ask the garbage hauling denizens of Northern New Jersey. Given this writer/producer pedigree, the riveting Blue Bloods finale (part one was last week) is going to end with somebody dead.
And Blue Bloods executive producer Leonard Goldberg has watched somebody die in almost everything he’s ever done. Brian’s Song sad enough for you? The Boy in the Plastic Bubble? He almost destroyed the whole world in WarGames. Goldberg ran 29th Century Fox–he’s a natural born killer, though charming as the day is long. Given the set-up, you might think Danny’s wife Linda (Amy Carlson) is headed for the hereafter–she took a bullet last week. But expect a surprise.