On The Blacklist, when Liz finally hands over the Fulcrum to Red, they (and Dembe) come under fire. Red was seriously injured. But of course Red “is not a guy who is just going to roll into an ER and be helped,” explained executive producer Jon Bokenkap to EW. Even when the FBI offers to clear out a floor in the hospital, Red says no. He has a contingency plan in place for just this kind of situation.
While Red lays on a gurney, The Blacklist viewers will meet a new character, Leonard Caul — yet another mysterious figure from Red’s past. Liz will get answers from Caul, who “serves a very critical role for Red and Liz and the Fulcrum and all things linking Season 2,” says Bokenkamp. Leonard Caul is portrayed by Ned Van Zandt. He’s best known for his role as Raymond in the Web TV series Ave 43. He’s also appeared on several TV shows including Weeds (Parole Board Dan), Lost (Mr. Dorsey), Law & Order, and Spin City. The Blacklist airs Thursdays at 9pm on NBC.