Two of the Top 5 American Idol contestants – Jax and Nick Fradiani – were interviewed by Join the Synergy. They answered a lot of questions and provided some backstage insights for their fans. For starters, Jax made it clear that Nick did not know Kenny Loggins was going to be there when Nick performed Danger Zone. “Nick doesn’t pay attention in meetings,” Jax ribbed Nick.
Jax also joked about Nick getting lazy because JLo told him he was hot. When the interviewer brought it up, he bashfully said, “Yeah, I didn’t think that was going to happen a year ago.” JLo advised Nick to “work the hotness” although it doesn’t sound like Nick knows how to do that. “I guess, I don’t know, I need to practice that?” Jax was quick with her two cents. “Why don’t you sing in the mirror?” American Idol airs Wednesdays at 8pm on FOX.