Agent Carter star Hayley Atwell is a beauty, of course, but that’s not what she trades in. “I can’t imagine it if beauty was the only currency I used as an actress,” Atwell once told The Independent. “It just doesn’t interest me.” Fortunately Atwell doesn’t have to use just her beauty all the time, because she partakes of other weapons. As the actress has admitted: “I love firing guns. It’s an amazing feeling–so sexy and powerful.”
The sexy and powerful Atwell brings all her tools to her Agent Carter role. Even, one suspects, what she has described as “my real self, the self I have always been from a child…a loner and nerd, slightly overweight, with a very heavy fringe. That is who I was as a kid. I don’t think I will ever be anything other than that.” The classically trained actress–steeped in Shakespeare–will try not to end up like Cordelia or Desdemona as Agent Carter continues Tuesday night (ABC, 9pm). She’s in trouble, but she’s doubtless about to escape.