Vicca and Jesse Thompson are the parents of five-year-old Jerry. They have been accused of child abuse after allegedly feeding marijuana to Jerry. With their other son, it’s not just alleged. The Thompsons use marijuana every day in their Washington home, where both medical and recreational use is legal. Jesse is a cancer survivor and takes it for pain, while Vicca uses it for arthritis and a nervous condition. They also run a small, medical marijuana dispensary and a garden store called the Grow Shop.
In November, one of the Thompson’s employees was let go and “About a month later, she…called CPS.” Child Protective Services came to the Thompsons’ house and questioned Jerry’s half-brother Sohani, a 13-year-old from Vicca’s previous marriage. Sohani told authorities that his mom fed him a goo ball – a peanut butter raisin ball with psycho-active marijuana. Vicca explained, “He [Sohani] gets aggressive and is too mean, sometimes… and just needs to …look inside and relax.” Sohani is now living with his father full-time. Five-year-old Jerry, who tested positive for THC, was taken to live with his aunt. Vicca and Jesse denied feeding marijuana to Jerry but Vicca said she did rub a marijuana salve on his skin to treat a rash. A court commissioner has allowed Jerry to return home with a new set of conditions including drug tests (via hair follicle) for Jerry. To learn more about the Thompsons, tune in to ABC’s 20/20, Friday, January 16 at 10pm