The Walking Dead actor Norman Reedus in a Reddit AMA forum on Sunday, December 21, confirmed that he will play Murphy MacManus again in The Boondock Saints III. In the last movie, The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day, with Sean Patrick Flanery as Connor MacManus, the brothers were forced to return to the US after they were framed for murdering a priest. The sequel barely earned $10 million at the box office after being critically panned, so the news is a bit of a shocker.
When asked by TdotBlaze at Reddit, “What was your favorite moment filming Boondock Saints?” Reedus, referring to the scene where Rocco accidently shoots a cat, writes: “courtroom scene and toilet. and blowing up that cat.” Believe it or not, it’s a funny scene. Wait for the last line of the clip below.