The stop-motion animated TV special, Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas, airs Tuesday, December 16 at 9pm on NBC. It’s based on the Elf movie starring Will Ferrell and the Broadway musical. The Big Bang Theory’s Jim Parsons provides the goofy voice for the animated Buddy. But it’s Mark Hamill, yes, Luke Skywalker of Star Wars, who nails it as Walter.
The character Walter, portrayed by James Caan in the film, is the biological father of Buddy who doesn’t want anything to do with Buddy, at first. Caan said of his Elf experience, “What’s a little depressing is all these kids going: ‘You’re the guy from Elf!!’ That’s what I’m known for after my whole career.” There is no way that will happen to Luke Skywalker Hamill.