Hollywood’s Ridley Scott will produce a miniseries sequel to Stanley Kubrick’s legendary 2001: A Space Odyssey. The new series, 3001: The Final Odyssey, will be released sometime in 2015. The series will likely follow astronaut Frank Poole, who is reawakened 1000 years into Earth’s future. In 2001, Poole was portrayed by actor Gary Lockwood. Lockwood began his career as a movie stuntman and was a stand-in for Anthony Perkins (Psycho).
3001 will be based on the Arthur C. Clarke’s novel but will be adapted for the screen by Pirates of the Caribbean writer Stuart Beattie. Beattie is also working on I, Frankenstein. Who do you think would make for a good Dr. Frank Poole? Don’t you dare say Johnny Depp. Maybe a former stuntman?