The next X-Men movie will be apocalyptic in more ways than one. In X-Men: Apocalypse fans of the mutant franchise will finally get to see James McAvoy go bald. McAvoy, who plays the younger version of Charles Xavier, confided recently that as the character gets older, his hairline will recede even more, finally resembling the look of the comics. “I’ll be older in this one,” McAvoy says. “I think I’m losing my hair finally. And, yeah, that’s kind of all I know.” The older Charles is portryaed by the less than hirsute Patrick Stewart.
Aside from the breaking news on McAvoy’s impending baldness (should the film be called X-Men: Alopecia?), there is little information on what the storyline of the new movie will be, other than the fact that it is somehow global. “I got an email from Simon [the producer/writer Simon Kinberg] who informed me he was getting dead excited about stuff, but he didn’t want to divulge anything for a couple of weeks, so I really don’t know,” said McAvoy, before adding that the 2016 film will be “fairly apocalyptic.” Or does he mean alopeciac?