They are perhaps the two most important words in our tweet-happy, hashtagging, snapchatting, episode-recapping culture. No, not Clooney Married. Or even Alamuddin Married. Or Gone Girl. Or even Gilmore Girls (just so we’re clear, I love Gilmore Girls, and I’m not embarrassed to admit it.) The two most important words in our culture are SPOILER ALERT! You see the term everywhere, and when you don’t and stumble unsuspectingly into a forum discussing the Red Wedding or “Ozymandias” ( the ‘Breaking Bad’ episode, not the Shelley poem), your co-workers can be highly entertained by your spewing foul language at the computer. Spoilers are everywhere, it seems, lurking just around the corner like dorky drug dealers ready to lead you down a dangerous road. Some aren’t spoilers in the true sense, as what they are revealing is assumed to be common knowledge, things like – SPOILER ALERT! – Darth Vader is Luke’s dad, Bruce Willis is dead, and it was Earth all along. There is a whole protocol around spoiling. Now, Netflix has come up with an ingenious solution to the problem of spoiling: Spoil something just for fun.
The new microsite Living With Spoilers is the perfect place to stop and see what sort of spoiler you are. Are you a Clueless Spoiler? “You live in your own innocent world, where once you’ve seen something, so has everyone else.” An Impulsive Spoiler? “You’re usually just thrilled to finally be talking about your favorite show—so thrilled you give away the next three seasons in a single breath.” Or the evil Power Spoiler? “You’re the type of frenemy that’s always two steps ahead of everyone else and wants them to know it. You play with plot twists to get inside people’s heads, because everything’s a game and you were born to win.” After you’ve discovered what sort of spoiler you are, you can play Spoil Yourself, a risky game of chance that reveals major spoilers from movies and TV shows. Of course, all the TV shows and movies are available to stream – and spoil – on Netflix.