Actress Lisa Rinna, who just joined the cast of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, went on Instagram to reveal her latest beauty treatment – Kate Somerville’s CytoCell Advanced Facial. Yes, it’s a paid endorsement. The 51-year-old Days of Our Lives soap star has been promoting Somerville’s line of skincare since 2010. But this time, Rinna is claiming that Somerville’s new 3D Crystal Fiber mask can take 22 years off her face. Rinna wrote beside her most recent photo: “I am now officially 29.”
Somerville was smart to partner with Lisa Rinna–the TV stalwart knows how to move product. Rinna is also selling a QVC clothing line, and her latest book The BigFunSexySex Book (it’s her third!) has been helping people “get out of the sex RUT!” since May 2012.