NYC Democratic mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio is taking a page out of the Obama campaign book. de Blasio is offering the city’s youth a “Fellowship” for volunteering on his campaign. The candidate’s “Fall Organizing Fellows will learn the principles of grassroots organizing and immediately apply them by working directly with Field Organizers to build teams, recruit volunteers, and contact and turn out voters to support Bill de Blasio in the November 5th General Election.” 15 hours a week is required. de Blasio, who has the backing of organized labor, has about $1.61 million banked. The fellowships are an unpaid, with no stipends are available.
Those interested in volunteering for Republican candidate Joe Lhota’s campaign (no specific amount of hours a week required) encounter a different style–no “fellowships” here, just old-fashioned get out the vote. Volunteers are invited to put a sign in store window, host a fundraiser, host a “cup of Joe, with Joe”, go door to door, or help out at the Lhota HQ, where (by the looks of the website photos) there isn’t anyone under 30. If you’re working for Lhota and under 30, send us a selfie from the office! We’ll see if we can get you a fellowship.