Kim Richards is the most emotionally vulnerable cast member of the catty reality TV show, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She was one of the most popular child actresses of the 1970s (James at 16, Escape to Witch Mountain), later married and divorced twice and then dated a financial scammer who was murdered while talking to Kim on the phone. Kim has struggled with alcoholism, and has been to rehab twice. Was it a wise decision to return to the entertainment biz? Probably not.
Rumors on the RHOBH set is that new cast member Eileen Davidson thinks Kim shouldn’t be on the show. The soap opera actress is not being altruistic. Reports say Davidson is making fun of Richards in front of the cameras, and saying Kim doesn’t belong on the show because she is “too boring for television.” Kim credits RHOBH with “helping her maintain focus on her goals.” The premiere of Season 5 is scheduled for January 2015.