The Hollywood star and cultural icon Halle Berry is busy “working and enjoying a little quiet time to reflect,” as she reports. But she is planning on being “back strong with a vengeance soon!”
As Berry reflects on her long Hollywood career, her groundbreaking Best Actress Oscar (20 years ago this year, Monster’s Ball), her directorial debut on the recent Bruised (Netflix), she is also celebrating what is the true measure of any entertainer: the number of people who love her.
As of today, that figure hit 8 million on Instagram, causing Berry to report, “Woke up to 8 million of you … the love is real and I’m sending all of it right back at you beautiful people!”
In case you’re not one of the eight million Halle Berry followers yet, below is an interview with the great Ava DuVernay that Berry did around Bruised. It may just make you click the follow button.
Notably Berry says how important it is for women to tell stories “from our gaze, because it is very, very different.” Whatever “back with a vengeance” means, eight million people — at least — will be there for it.