Beloved singer and actor Demi Lovato has changed pronouns preferences, signaling another transition in the continuing evolution of one of the 21st century’s most watched celebrities. The singer’s social accounts now read “they/them.”
Lovato has been through a ton in their career — enough to bring a lesser celebrity down a notch professionally and emotionally. But Lovato has instead become known for their tenacity, and a willingness to fight through any troubling seas. And it has been a long career for such a young star, beginning early…
Lovato made waves in those seas pre-pandemic when the star admitted to giving fans an unrealistic body image to live up to, sharing selfies that had been photoshopped. Lovato then shared comparable photos that hadn’t been altered digitally — and fans rejoiced at the honesty and transparency.
And in such a transformative life, including the perils that come with celebrity often writ large, when Lovato says (as below) that “I’m alive by the skin of my teeth,” it means more than just a clever caption for a provocative photo. They means it.