The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Twisted Little Lies (originally titled Nightmare Student) is college professor Brianna Scott (Jessica Morris). After finding out that her fiance Nick (Ulyses Espinoza) has been in a relationship with his co-worker Christina (Melissa Archer), she meets a man named William on the internet. More bad news for Brianna: she’s been catfished.
William is actually one of her students, Cooper (Conlan Kisilewicz), who is the younger brother of Christina. Got all that? Cooper is obsessed with Brianna, who wants nothing to do with him romantically. Her rejection triggers Cooper to plot an act of revenge which endangers more people than just Brianna.
When not on a movie set, Jessica enjoys the great outdoors and sometimes in a little black bikini as seen above. Or a red one, as seen below. She captioned the one above: “just the way I like it.”
The female stars of the movie -- Jessica Morris and Melissa Archer -- co-wrote the script. They've known each other for year! Jessica played Jennifer Rapaport on One Life to Live (1999-2008), and Melissa played Natalie Buchanan on the famous daytime soap opera from 2001 to 2013.
Get ready to see more of Jessica and Melissa: they just finished filming the movie Web of Deceit -- see behind-the-scene photo above.
Twisted Little Lies premieres on Lifetime on Friday, December 17 at 8 pm.