The protagonist of the Lifetime movie My Sweet Holiday (originally titled Chocolate Covered Christmas) is Sadie (Malone Thomas). When her boyfriend cancels their holiday plans, she decides to spend Christmas with her parents back in her hometown.
Sadie’s surprised to learn that her parents sold the family chocolate store to a guy who knows nothing about chocolate. And her father wants her to train the new owner.
While planning a big retirement party for her parents, Sadie and the new owner Alex (Jason Burkey) fall in love with each other.
When not on a TV or movie set, actress Malone Thomas enjoys the beach and sometimes in a bikini as seen in the gorgeous photos above and below.
Get ready to see more of Malone: She’s playing Amanda Spencer in the upcoming series Psychosis.
My Sweet Holiday premieres on Lifetime on Christmas Day, Friday, Christmas 25 at 8 pm.