On the Season 32 episode of The Simpsons, ‘Treehouse of Horror XXXI,’ the annual terror-themed trilogy includes a frightening look at the 2020 election, parodies Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and Lisa celebrates her ninth birthday over and over again. Julia Prescott wrote the episode: it’s her first for The Simpsons.
https://www.instagram.com/p/CDUr8k4pkkJ/In July, Julia shared a photo of the special Simpsons face mask (above) she received in the mail.
She says her friend (and former teacher!) Jeremy Guskin (modeling the mask below) has been teaching a class called “Appreciation of The Simpsons Season 1-9,” and every Sunday they get together with two other Simpsons aficionados. Together they call themselves the “pin pals” (just like Homer and his bowling team which consists of Ott, Moe and Anu), hence the masks.
The Simpsons airs Sundays 8 PM ON FOX.