Kim Kardashian West has some competition for the title of Queen of Instagram — Beyonce, JLo, Demi Lovato, Cardi B, her own sisters just for a start. But besides perhaps Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian has little competition for the title of Queen of Instagram marketing.
The secret is to seamlessly blend the personal and the merch — to have the persona and the product be virtually inseparable. That way even an ad is really a lifestyle share. The biggest winner at this technique is Kim Kardashian, modern image-making master.
In the post above Kim is overtly marketing her SKIMS brand solutionwear — she wears the “Everyday Plunge Bralette and the NAKED High Waisted Thong in Honey,” she writes. But it’s still a lifestyle share, because if it weren’t Kim’s own product the photo still matches her personal brand. The comments are dominated by people who want to be that hot vehicle bumper scorching in the desert heat.
Here it’s more personal, giving a look at her closet as she seems to take her own photo…