Kim Kardashian West has been on an Instragram tear lately, after taking the holidays slow-ish to promote her products and share her lovely family photos. KKW has been roaring back into form in January, sharing bikini pics and some ethereal images — especially this one below which features Kim in blonde hair revealing a “celestial skies” drop on 1.24.
The gorgeous photo with the beautiful heavenly background — ok, you are forgiven for not noticing that and being distracted by the amazing figure of Kim — is making a big impact on Instagram, where it’s headed swiftly to the 2 million like mark. (Hey, people are asking, what is Celestial Skies? Is it from Free People, another one of KKW’s projects, freeing people?)
Besides the typical “You slay” comments, a number of people have pointed out that Kim looks like a Marvel superhero. Is that in her future? Right now she’d also like to know if you like the blonde hair or not — see below: