The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Recipe for Danger (originally titled Fatal Friend Request) is social media influencer Vanessa. When she receives her 10,000th friend request from a stranger named Taryn (Sarah Lind), she gladly accepts. Big mistake, Vanessa!
Taryn looks familiar because she’s the deranged biological mother of Vanessa’s adopted daughter Lucy (Annelise Pollmann). When Vanessa posts a photo of Lucy at her first day of school, with the name of the school in big letters behind her, Taryn abducts her.
Vanessa is portrayed by Bree Williamson. The Canadian-born actress is best known for her role as Jessica Buchanan on the soap opera One Life to Live, for which she was nominated three times for a Daytime Emmy Award. Williamson is also recognized for her roles on Private Eyes with Jason Priestley (Melanie Parker), General Hospital (bad girl Claudette Boland), Deception (Vivian Lawson), and Haven (Claire Callahan), among others. Recipe for Danger premieres on Lifetime on Friday, June 7 at 8 pm.