The protagonist of the Lifetime movie “Who’s Stalking Me?” is Amanda (Chelsea Ricketts). The young woman is on edge after someone broke into her house and attacked her. The police send over Detective James Dawson (Michael Welch, Twilight) to keep an eye on her but her friend Jamie (Cara Santana) thinks he’s a creep — and that he may be abusing his powers as a police officer. When Jamie is murdered in her house, Amanda complains about Dawson to his boss, Captain Marcus.
[Belafonte was a fashion model before an actress]
Captain Marcus is portrayed by Shari Belafonte. The daughter of legendary singer and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte is known for her roles on General Hospital (Mayor Janice Lomax), Hotel (Julie Gillette) and in films including Cannonball Fever (Margaret), among others. Belafonte will appear next on the series The Morning Show with Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon. Fun facts: She’s married to actor Sam Behrens (Jake Meyer on General Hospital), and is an avid golfer (see below). Who’s Stalking Me? premieres on Lifetime on Saturday, February 23. [More Lifetime movies streaming are always available.]
Belafonte on General Hospital…
Welcome Shari Belafonte taking over the role of Mayor Lomax in Port Charles, #GH today!
— Nathan Varni (@nathanvarni) January 19, 2016
Belafonte with her father…
#FlashbackFriday Harry Belafonte who turned 88 this week, takes a bike ride with daughter Shari Belafonte, ca.1957
— The Crisis Magazine (@thecrisismag) March 6, 2015