On the My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding episode “Reverse the Gypsy Curse,” Brittany hopes to reverse a curse by planning a traditional gypsy funeral for her late father, Terry Lee Harris, who died of “an unexpected death” in January 2016. He was 43. Brittany explains that at the time of his death her father was with a Gorger (non-gypsy) woman who had him cremated. “Cremation to gypsies is like going to hell. Burning your body is the biggest sin that anyone in our community can make.” Since her father didn’t have “the correct gypsy send off, we think it’s bad luck on our family,” says Brittany. She blames her dog’s bad behavior (he made a hole in the wall) and her new habit of stubbing her toe on her bed every morning on the bad luck.
[Watch past episodes of My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding]
Brittany says her father “worked his butt off” to provide for the family “asphalting the roads of Louisville, Kentucky.” She says she misses him every day and has been told that with time it gets better — but it hasn’t for Brittany. She says “It just gets worse because I miss him more.” She tells her young son, “I hope you grow up just like my dad.” My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding airs Saturdays at 10 pm on TLC.