In the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episode “Caretaker,” a family is murdered in their sleep. The storyline is similar to the real-life murders of Lucia and Leo Krim, ages 6 and 2, who were stabbed to death by their nanny in their family’s Upper West Side apartment in 2012. (In May 2018, the nanny, Yoselyn Ortega, who never denied killing the children, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.) Note: the crime also inspired the bestselling novel The Perfect Nanny. In the Law & Order: SVU episode “Caretaker”, the father of the children, Julian, is killed with the children; the mother, Anna, is alive. The only other person who had a key to the home is Delores Alverez (Soleidy Mendez), the family’s nanny of almost 10 years. “She’s like family,” Anna tells the police.
[Check out Alexander as Isles on Rizzoli & Isles]
Grieving wife and mother Anna is portrayed by Sasha Alexander. Alexander is known for her roles on Shameless (Helene Runyon), Rizzoli & Isles (Maura Isles, SEE LINK ABOVE), NCIS (Caitlin Todd), Dawson’s Creek (Gretchen Witter), and Wasteland (Jesse Presser), among others. In real life, Alexander is married with two children; see photo below. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit airs Thursdays at 10 pm on NBC, right after the new sitcom, I Feel Bad.