In The Real Housewives of Orange County episode “Femme Finale,” Emily Simpson’s mother, Carolyn, visits Orange County for the first time in five years. When Emily brings her mother into the house, Emily picks up her 3-year-old son Keller and asks him if he knows who Carolyn is. She points to her mother and says, “That’s your grandma.” Meanwhile, when 3-year-old son Luke sits on the sofa and Grandma sits right next to him, Luke whines, which makes Grandma apologize and move over. “I’m sorry, I got too close,” says Carolyn. Carolyn admits, “I lost a year” to depression but now she’s says with a smile that she’s ready to “make up for it.” When Emily tries to coax Luke into saying the word “Grandma” he says, “no.” His brother surmises, “I think he’s scared.”
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Emily isn’t quick to smile back at her mother. She explains to viewers that when you have high expectations for your family, especially your mother, and those expectations aren’t met that’s when you start to feel “angry or neglected or upset” and the relationship doesn’t progress. “It doesn’t go anywhere because I’m just mad,” says Emily. Emily knows if expectations about her relationship with her mother now climb too high, “I’m going to get hurt.”
On a more upbeat note, Emily reminds Carolyn that she’s throwing a Femme Fatale party and Carolyn says with excitement she’s brought a dress and shoes. Emily says warily to her mother, “This is a huge step, so I’m glad you’re here, and I think you’re going to have a really good time.” Is it a great idea to introduce a woman who’s been struggling with depression to a circle of backstabbing, self-absorbed women? We’ll find out. The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Mondays at 9 pm on Bravo.