The protagonist of the new TV series The Rookie is John Nolan, a middle-aged man who decides to leave his small town and start a new life as a police officer in Los Angeles. Castle star Nathan Fillion plays Nolan. His disapproving boss, Sgt. Wade Grey is portrayed by Judging Amy star Richard T. Jones. Their boss is Captain Zoe Andersen, who could be a love interest for Nolan.
[Check out Mason killing zombies in Fear the Walking Dead]
Captain Andersen is portrayed by Mercedes Mason. The former Ford model is known for her roles on Fear the Walking Dead (Ofelia Salazar), NCIS: Los Angeles (DEA Agent Talia Del Campo), and 666 Park Avenue (Louise Leonard), among others. Fun fact: Mason appeared on a 2010 episode of Castle where a psychic presumably predicts her own death. The Rookie airs Tuesdays at 10 pm on ABC, right after black-ish.
Ofelia is back! @mercedesmason will be on #TalkingDead this Sunday, so send in your questions. We might ask them live!
— Talking Dead (@AMCTalkingDead) September 27, 2016