On the fourth and final night of Judge Cuts on Season 13 of America’s Got Talent, the judges get to watch the theatrical dance crew Academy of Villains again. This isn’t their first time on AGT. They made it to the semifinals on Season 7, but that’s when they were doing a lot of hip hop routines. For their AGT Season 13 audition, the high energy California troupe presented a shadow dance performance and advanced with three yeses. (Howie Mandel wasn’t as impressed as the other judges.)
Based on the “behind the scenes” video below, Academy of Villains had its own show at Universal Orlando Resort’s famous annual Halloween Nights. As Academy of Villains co-director Krystal “Phoenix” Meraz says, “It’s key for us to keep the audience terrified.” Universal Orlando Resort show director Patrick Braillard says Academy of Villains, “Is what you want from a performer at all times. They are all go, no stop.” New episodes of America’s Got Talent air Tuesdays at 8pm on NBC.