On the Season 4 Growing Up Hip Hop episode “Game of Thrones,” Angela Simmons and Romeo reunite for the first time after Angela broke up with the father of her baby. Meanwhile, Tee Tee has a serious talk with her 19-year-old cousin Egypt Criss (Pepa’s daughter) at the gym.
[Check out Pepa’s memoir Let’s Talk About Pep]
In the scene above, Tee Tee talks to Egypt about her boyfriend Sam who has two kids. “You don’t need any kids,” Tee Tee tells Egypt. Egypt is quick to reply, “I’m pregnant.” Tee Tee is shocked and asks if she’s kidding — Egypt doesn’t crack a smile or let on she’s anything but serious. But based on recent photos that Egypt has been posting on Instagram, she doesn’t look pregnant. If Egypt is kidding, she should win an Oscar! Growing Up Hip Hop airs Thursdays at 9pm on WEtv.