In the Lifetime movie My Christmas Prince, young school teacher Samantha (Alexis Knapp, Pitch Perfect) returns to her small home town in Wyoming for Christmas break. Her boyfriend Alex (Callum Alexander), a European diplomat in New York, joins her. During the holiday break, Samantha discovers that Alex is really a prince and is “destined for the throne.” While many women might jump at the chance of becoming a princess, Samantha considers her career and “the constant glare of publicity” before making the decision to spend their lives together.
[Martin played Nancy Drew, while Stevenson played a Hardy Boy]
Samantha’s mother Sandra is portrayed by Pamela Sue Martin. Martin is known for her roles as rich girl Fallon Carrington on the nighttime soap opera Dynasty and as Nancy Drew in The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries (see link above) with Parker Stevenson who plays her husband in My Christmas Prince! Martin and Stevenson also starred in the 1974 drama Our Time. My Christmas Prince premieres on Lifetime on Sunday, December 3 at 8pm.
The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries with Parker Stevenson, Pamela Sue Martin and Shaun Cassidy. (1977–1979)
— Groovy History (@GroovyHistory) November 8, 2017
nancy drew & frank hardy // parker stevenson & pamela sue martin
— daphne blake? (@macabretaste) July 22, 2017