In the Modern Family episode “The Long Goodbye,” Manny (Rico Rodriguez) does his best to avoid a long goodbye after his mother Gloria (Sofia Vergara) and Jay (Ed O’Neill) move him into his college dorm. Meanwhile, Haley (Sarah Hyland) befriends a wealthy woman at the country club which provides an unexpected opportunity.
[Emmy nods rolled in for Vanessa Williams in ‘Ugly Betty’]
The wealthy woman, Rhonda, is portrayed by Vanessa Williams. The former Miss America and Broadway star triple-threat, is known for her roles on the TV shows Daytime Divas (Maxine), The Librarians (General Rockwell), The Good Wife (Courtney Paige), 666 Park Avenue (Olivia Doran), Desperate Housewives (Renee Perry), and Ugly Betty (Wilhelmina Slater), for which she’s been nominated for three Emmys. Modern Family airs Wednesdays at 9pm on ABC.