The US Army tweeted photos of soldier Matthew Cobos taking action during the Las Vegas shooting massacre. Cobos was photographed shielding a woman from gunfire, putting his body on top of her as a shield while bullets rained down on the crowd. It was later reported that after the shielding incident, Cobos ran back toward the fire to help others. Like Jesus Campos, the unarmed security guard at the Mandalay Bay who confronted the shooter, Cobos acted heroically on instinct in the face of unimaginable terror.
#LasVegas shooting #hero has been identified as #USArmy Soldier, Matthew Cobos. He is the epitome of the American Soldier
— U.S. Army (@USArmy) October 5, 2017
The Army called Cobos “the epitome of the American soldier.” Both the soldier and the woman he shielded lived through the carnage. The photographer, David Becker, was at the Route 91 festival to take pictures of the crowd and the musicians as they enjoyed a peaceful uplifting event. Instead he took photos of the carnage and the heroes, like Cobos, amidst the carnage. The Daily Mail reported that Cobos not only covered the woman, but shielded her eyes so she wouldn’t see the brutal casualties of the shootings. it’s not clear what Cobos’s intent was, but the picture shows him looking as though he is trying to limit her vision. Cobos’s Instagram says he is “U.S. ARMY Living on Oahu!” (Schofield Barracks.) It shows Cobos at a shooting range with an American flag t-shirt, calling the experience “my daily dose of freedom.” A great photo of Cobos at his high school graduation shows him all smiles and talking about his hair (see below).