The Hallmark Channel movie Like Cats & Dogs is set in an idyllic beach town where two young people fall in love. Lara (who is a dog person) shows up at the town to get away from her hectic life. Spencer (a cat person) heads to the town to work on his thesis. By a logistical mistake, they – and their pets — end up sharing the same vacation rental. You know how the rest goes.
[Left: Cassidy’s mother Kathie Lee Gifford is a New York Times bestselling author]
Lara is portrayed by Cassidy Gifford. The 23-year-old daughter of Kathy Lee Gifford and the late Frank Gifford has appeared in the films Twisted Sisters (Daisy), Caged No More (Skye), The Gallows (Cassidy), and God’s Not Dead (Kara), among others. Like Cats & Dogs premieres on Hallmark on April 15 at 9pm. It will air again on April 16 at 7pm, April 22 at 7pm, April 23 at 1pm, May 14 (Mother’s Day!) at 7pm, and May 20 at 5pm.