CBS News correspondent Scott Pelley returns to Newtown, Connecticut four years after 20 first-graders and six educators were massacred at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Pelley interviews the parents of Ben Wheeler, one of the six-year-olds murdered on December 14, 2012. Ben’s mother Francine Wheeler runs the organization Ben’s Lighthouse, which sponsors programs for young people in town to help them build self-awareness, empathy and social connections.
During their interview, Pelley is surprised to hear Francine say the organization is “a wonderful way to honor him (Ben) and continue to be his parents.” She says, “The worst thing you can do to a grieving parent is not to mention the child. Then you’re not acknowledging his existence. And so when people do acknowledge it, I’m so appreciative. I say, ‘Oh, thank you for—‘ and even if I’m crying, they’re like, ‘I’m sorry I made you cry.’ I’m like, ‘No, you didn’t make me cry. You brought him back.’” 60 Minutes airs Sundays at 7pm on CBS.