In the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episode ‘Genes’, Alex Hurt (guest star Sam Noels) is a suspect in a rape case who claims his genetics cause him to commit rape. “I was born this way,” is his defense. NYPD detective Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) says “There’s no such thing as a rape gene,” but the suspect’s attorney Derek Strauss will try to prove otherwise in court.
[Left: Germann played law firm partner Richard Fish on Ally McBeal]
Counselor Strauss is portrayed by Greg Germann. He’s known for his roles on Once Upon a Time (Hades), NCIS (NCIS Deputy Director Jerome Craig), House of Lies (Greg Norbert), and Ally McBeal (Richard Fish), among others. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit airs Wednesdays at 9pm on NBC.