In the Hallmark Channel movie A Royal Winter, a young beautiful American woman Maggie Marks (Merritt Patterson) is vacationing in Europe when she meets a charming local. While sightseeing, she discovers the “local” is a real-life prince and is about to be crowned King. When Prince Adrian of Calpurnia (Jack Donnelly), brings Maggie to a fancy party at the castle, Adrian’s mother, Queen Beatrice of Calpurnia, is not pleased to discover that her son, the soon-to-be King is dating an American tourist.
Queen Beatrice is portrayed by Samantha Bond. Americans will recognize the English actress from her roles as Lady Rosamund Painswick on Downton Abbey and as Miss Moneypenny in the James Bond films Die Another Day, The World Is Not Enough, Tomorrow Never Dies, and GoldenEye, all with Pierce Brosnan. A Royal Winter premieres Saturday, January 14 at 8pm on Hallmark Channel. It will air again on January 15 at 5pm, Jan 21 at 7pm, Jan 22 at 1pm, February 1 at 8pm, Feb 11 at 1pm, and Feb 25 at 9pm.