In the TV movie The Perfect Stalker, a beautiful woman named Grace Fisher Winston has been diagnosed with HPD Histrionic Personality Disorder, a psychiatric disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking emotions including inappropriately seductive behavior and an excessive need for approval. Grace killed her husband Harvey, but when she moves to Philadelphia she tells everyone he died of cancer. Grace lays it on thick for her neighbor’s husband, author Robert Harris (Jefferson Brown). When he shows sympathy for Grace, she creates an imaginary stalker in the hope of gaining all of Robert’s attention and affection. Her plan backfires in a violent way.
Grace is portrayed by Danielle Savre. It’s been a busy year for Savre. The actress recently starred in an episode of Blue Bloods and in the new TLC series Too Close Too Home (Anna). Savre is also recognized for her roles in Heroes (Jackie Wilcox), Summerland (Callie), and Grounded For Life (Courtney), among others. The Perfect Stalker will premiere on Lifetime on Friday, December 30 at 8pm.