In the beginning of the TV movie His Secret Past, teenager Lily (Gatlin Green) is attacked while jogging. Luckily, a stranger stops the attack. When Lily reunites with her rescuer Nick (Austin James) who lives a romantic life on a boat, the young attractive people fall for each other. However, it turns out Nick is haunted by his past and acts out violently. Lily’s mother Jennifer (Brigid Brannagh) teams up with a detective named Charles to stop Nick from hurting again.
Charles is portrayed by Patrick Muldoon. He’s known for his roles on Days of Our Lives (Austin Reed), Melrose Place (Richard Hart), and Saved by the Bell (Jeffrey Hunter), among others. Muldoon is also recognized for his roles in Starship Troopers and Stigmata. His Secret Past premieres on LMN on Monday, December 26 at 10pm.