In the TV movie Turbulence (originally titled Flight 192), FBI agent Sarah Plummer (Dina Meyer) hops on a flight to Washington, D.C. The passenger seated next to Sarah is a mysterious blonde named Michelle Taylor who tells Sarah that her husband of 15 years and her 12-year-old son Jacob have been taken hostage. Michelle has live video to prove it.
Michelle is portrayed by Victoria Pratt. The Canadian-born actress is known for her roles on Heartland (Casey McMurtry), Day Break (Andrea Battle), Mutant X (Shalimar Fox), Cleopatra 2525 (Rose ‘Sarge’), and Once a Thief (Jackie Janczyk), among others. Pratt is also the author of Double Down, a novel about a tough female cop. Turbulence premieres on LMN on Friday, December 30 at 8pm.