In the Hallmark Channel movie Love on a Limb, a handsome young man named Kyle comes to a small town to cut down an old oak tree. The only obstacle in his way is a woman named Aimie (Ashley Williams) who works in the Parks and Recreation Department. Although she’s told the roots of the tree are doing extensive damage, she insists that tree shouldn’t be cut down. She protests by chaining herself to the tree. But when Kyle asks her out on a date, the chains come undone.
[Who Is Tree Lover Aimie In ‘Love on a Limb’ on Hallmark Channel?]
Kyle is portrayed by Trevor Donovan. He’s known for his roles on Texas Rising (Kit Acklin), Melissa & Joey (Austin/Alstair), 90210 (Teddy Montgomery), and Days of Our Lives (Jeremy Horton), among others. Love on a Limb premieres on Hallmark Channel on Saturday, October 1 at 9pm. It will air again on October 2 at 5pm, October 8 at 7pm, October 9 at 1pm, and October 22 at 5pm.