On the two-part MasterChef episode “Family Drama; Critics Choice,” four of the five remaining contestants scramble to select 20 ingredients in five minutes for their next elimination challenge. Chef Richard Blais is the guest judge.
Chef Richard Blais is known for his appearances on the Bravo TV shows Top Chef (he was the runner-up on Season 4) and Top Chef: All Stars (he won in 2010 and has returned to the show as a judge). The native New Yorker studied at The Culinary Institute of America and under chef Daniel Boulud, among others. In 2013, Blais released his debut cookbook, Try This at Home: Recipes From My Head to Your Plate. Blais currently runs five restaurants: three FLIP Burger Boutiques (Atlanta, Birmingham, Nashville), Juniper & Ivy, and The Crack Shack, both in San Diego. MasterChef airs Wednesdays at 8pm on FOX.