In the Hallmark Channel TV movie My Summer Prince, a royal family hires PR consultant Deidre Kelley (Lauren Holly) to work her magic on their Prince Colin (Jack Turner). Kelley sends her assistant Mandy Cooper to tame the prince. Sparks fly between the two young attractive people. Problem is: there’s a third young attractive person in the picture — the prince’s fiancee.
[Who Is PR Boss Deidre In ‘My Summer Prince’? That’s Lauren Holly]
Mandy Cooper is portrayed by Taylor Cole. She’s known for her roles on Impastor (Yvette), Ballers (Stephanie Michaels), Supernatural (Sarah Blake), The Glades (Jennifer Starke), CSI: Miami (Samantha Owens), The Event (Vicky Roberts), Secret Girlfriend (Martina the Hot Neighbor), and Heroes (Rachel Mills), among others. My Summer Prince premieres on Hallmark Channel on Saturday, August 5 at 9pm. It will air again on August 7 at 3pm, August 13 at 7pm, August 14 at 11am, August 27 at 5pm, and September 18 at 7pm.