In the TV movie Marriage of Lies, when well-loved high school teacher Ty Wilson (Brody Hutzler) goes missing, detectives on the case call in his wife Rachel Wilson. All of the evidence they’ve discovered points to Rachel. She tells them she has nothing to do with her husband’s disappearance but she’ll need to launch her own investigation in order to clear her name and avoid jail. As the title suggests, she discovers a number of lies told by her missing husband.
Rachel is portrayed by April Bowlby. She’s known for her roles on Two and a Half Men (Kandi, Alan’s airhead girlfriend), Drop Dead Diva (Stacy Barrett), and How I Met Your Mother (Meg), among others. Marriage of Lies premieres on Lifetime on May 21 at 8pm. It will air again on May 22 at 12am, 7pm, and 11pm.