In the TV movie The Maid, an attractive young woman named Laura Blackwell (Kathryn Newton) is receiving disturbing messages and threats. At first she thinks it’s her ex-boyfriend but when she finds herself 3,000 miles away from home, she realizes that’s not possible. She begins to suspect the family maid, Colleen, who has a lot of pent up jealous to release.
Colleen is portrayed by Fay Masterson. Americans will recognize the English-born actress from her role on The Last Ship (Andrea Garnett) in the films Eyes Wide Shut (Sally), and The Quick and the Dead (Mattie Silk). Masterson has been cast as Gail Jones for Fifty Shades Darker (February 2017) and Fifty Shades Freed (February 2018), the second and third installments of the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. The Maid premieres on Lifetime on May 28 at 8pm. It will air again on May 29 at 12am, June 10 at 8pm, and June 11 at 12am.