In the TV movie A Mother’s Revenge, when a man named Conner discovers that a woman named Jennifer Clarke (Jamie Luner) has picked up his luggage at the airport, he kidnaps her daughter Katey (Audrey Whitby) and promises to kill her if the mother doesn’t do everything he says. She doesn — to a certain point. But then mama gets mad.
The crazy kidnapping suitcase owner is portrayed by Steven Brand. He’s known for his roles on Teen Wolf (Dr. Gabriel Valack), The Syndicate (Eddie Garcia), Secrets and Lies (Dr. Joseph Richardson), Mistresses (Jack Hudson), and he voices Alexander Anderson/Richard Hellsing for the Hellsing franchise. A Mother’s Revenge premieres on LMN on May 7 at 8pm. It will air again on May 8 at 12am and May 21 at 6pm.