The original American Idol Kelly Clarkson is making her children’s book debut with a story inspired by her daughter, River Rose. River Rose and the Magical Lullaby is about a little girl who dreams about spending the day at the zoo – hopscotching with hippos and slip-sliding with penguins. The book comes with an original lullaby written and performed by Mama Clarkson.
To promote the book, Clarkson made an adorable and hilarious video (see below). “Do you want to work for a livin’?” Clarkson asks River Rose, who can barely speak. Although the little girl does know how to say no. Clarkson kids about River Rose sleeping on the job, eating all the time, and being a micro-manager on the project. Here’s the catch: you have to wait until October 4, 2016 to get your hands on a book. You can pre-order a copy at Amazon ($18.99). River Rose and the Magical Lullaby is illustrated by Laura Hughes, the artist behind Daddy’s Sandwich written by Pip Jones.