On The Flash episode “Running to Stand Still,” The Weather Wizard (Liam McIntyre) returns to Central City to break Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller, Prison Break) and the Trickster (Mark Hamill, Star Wars) out of Iron Heights. While Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) tries to stop the rogues from taking over the city, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Iris West (Candice Patton) meet nephew Wally West.
[Who Is Weather Wizard on ‘The Flash’?]
Wally West is portrayed by Keiynan Lonsdale. The 23-year-old Australian actor is best known for his roles in the films Insurgent (Uriah) and Razzle Dazzle (part of Miss Elizabeth’s Dance Troupe) and on the TV series Dance Academy (Ollie). Lonsdale is currently filing the The Divergent Series: Allegiant, which will be in theaters in 2016. The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8pm on CW.