On the sitcom Grandfathered, John Stamos stars as Jimmy Martino, a middle-aged man struggling to keep his bachelor lifestyle while suddenly becoming a father and grandfather all at once. After missing his granddaughter Edie’s second birthday party, Jimmy tries to make things right by throwing Edie a second second birthday party. Sara (Paget Brewster), the mother of Jimmy’s adult son Gerald (Josh Peck), attends the party too. But the celebration takes a turn when Sara’s brother Frederick shows up and chews Jimmy out for leaving his sister to raise Gerald all by herself.
[Who Is John Stamos’ Son Gerald On ‘Grandfathered’?]
Frederick is portrayed by Patrick Fischler. The Los Angeles native is best known for his roles on Silicon Valley (Dr. Davis Bannercheck), Once Upon a Time (Isaac Heller), Shameless (Wade Shelton), Californication (Gabriel), Southland (Det. Kenny “No-Gun”), Lost (Phil), and Mad Men (Jimmy Barrett). He’s also recognized for his roles in the films Mulholland Drive, Speed, and Old School. Fun fact about Fischer: He’s married to actress Lauren Bowles (Holly Cleary from True Blood). Grandfathered airs Tuesdays at 8pm on FOX.