In the TV movie Lethal Seduction, Mark Richards is a handsome teenager who’s about to go to college — to Princeton. His mother, a widow named Tanya, is so proud of him. Until he meets Carissa Barrington. The fortysomething cougar seduces her Mark and then corners him in a sauna with a big kitchen knife. Guess who comes to Mark’s rescue? You got it, mama.
[Who Is Mark’s Mother In Lifetime’s ‘Lethal Seduction’?]
[Who Is Cougar Carissa on Lifetime’s ‘Lethal Seduction’?]
The seduced teen Mark is portrayed by Caleb Ruminer. He’s best known for his role as Cameron “Crash” Mason on Finding Carter. He’s currently working on a pilot called Strange Ones. Lethal Seduction will premiere on Lifetime on July 11 at 8pm. It will air again on July 12 (12am, 7pm, 11pm).